Who is Stephania?
Stephania is a manual osteopath. She trained at the British College of Osteopathic Medicine (London, UK), and graduated in 2010 with a Masters of Osteopathic Medicine. With her foundation firmly rooted in traditional osteopathic philosophy, she has for over a decade traveled the world and learned modalities from all disciplines; Chinese medicine, Western medicine, Eastern philosophies, Homeopathy, Zen meditation, traditional and non traditional psycho-somatic therapies. Whilst the body can be understood mechanically and anatomically, it has an intelligence beyond our ability to rationalize and understand. The body holds patterns and insights which may be hidden. The answers we seek are within. Stephania, using all her training and skillset, will help you get to the root cause and transform what's limiting you so you can move past not only your pain but also outdated mindsets.
How do you describe her sessions?
Using a light touch, Stephania will carefully listen to your body using her hands-on skills to read, interpret and manually treat the body's patterns. You, as the client, will stand, sit and lay in a relaxed position in a session. Using hands on techniques Stephania will gently hold, move and maneuver the body in a rhythmical fashion. she will listening to and compress or decompress physical patterns in the tissues. This is not painful nor uncomfortable. It is a must to wear comfortable clothing to the session.
Explain what "physical" body patterns are?
Physical patterns may be mechanical in nature showing compression or torsion in the fascial system, bony or muscular systems. These may relate to existing conditions or become a precursor to medical issues. For example, pressure on the pancreas could eventually lead to that organ not functioning optimally. There may also be neurological, emotional and energetic patterns. These may be linked to previous traumas, both emotional or physical. Whilst we contain ourselves in a certain way around others, the body can show signs of discomfort through behaviors (such as cravings) or postures which Stephania can recognize and then helps you understand where the root cause lays. During treatment, Stephania will use breathing, rhythmical and cranial osteopathic manual techniques to move and mobilize you so these dysfunctional patterns are released. It is common for the body to move or writhe, and emote during a session.
What does she do that's different to others?
Stephania has a unique ability to pick up on both the psyche states and emotional body as well as assess and treat the physical body. She tends to both the mind and the body during most sessions. The body is not just a mind, nor just a body, we are a being of both mind and body, which are heavily interrelated. One's mindset and physical abilities are synced. She uses her listening skills to pick up on the subtleties and blends bodywork with therapy in one session to lift you out of pain or burden.
What do I expect in my first and consequent sessions?
The first session will be exploring your medical history and include a full body evaluation and treatment. This comprehensive assessment looks at the entire structure, from head to toe. When there is an alignment issue, there will be forces placed in ways which could be compromising the body or brain. Stephania in the first session will find these structural issues, then will develop a plan of treatment with you which may include seeking help from other specialties or specialists. At subsequent sessions with hands on treatment, progress both physically, mentally and emotionally is monitored with goals or milestones attained where possible.
Who does she refer to?
Stephania has a network of talented providers in her referral base. Referrals to specialty doctors and providers may be recommended if your condition requires that.
Is she medically trained? Can she provide superbills?
International and European osteopaths are complementary health care providers and are licensed by their boards and governing bodies. The UK has strict osteopathic standards with superior education in Osteopathic Manual Medicine (OMM) or Technique (OMT). Whilst manual osteopaths have primary care status, they do not have an American medical degree and therefore do not practice Western medicine in the US. Stephania cannot provide medical diagnostic codes, however she can provide CPT codes which some insurances may or may not accept. Manual osteopathy does not replace nor medical treatment nor cure disease or conditions. American DO's are fully licensed medical practitioners in the US and practice conventional medicine, some but not all practice traditional OMT.
What should I do after a session?
It is advised that you rest and do light movement and activities. Each session can be tiring, just like a workout might be tiring. Emotional release can feel cathartic and draining at the same time, so rest is encouraged. Please stay hydrated before and after a session and whilst you don't want to come to a session having just eaten, you don't want to be hungry either. Avoid too much bodywork in one day or week, as this can be counter productive to healing.